How to unclog a toilet with poop still in it – effectively

How to unclog a toilet with poop still in it may not be the most exciting of tasks, but often is necessary. To successfully unclog a toilet without having to plunge, there are several household items that can be used to create an effective solution.

Baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, bleach, shampoo and cola can all be combined to create a powerful unclogging mixture. In addition, a toilet auger or hanger may also be necessary in some cases.

Making and using the solution is surprisingly easy, however: simply mix all of the mentioned ingredients together and pour it into the clogged toilet bowl.

Leave it overnight (or as long as possible) and the ingredients will work to break down the clog. The next day, flush the toilet several times until it fully drains (flushing with a hanger or auger may also be necessary).

How to unclog a toilet with poop still in it:

Use a Toilet Brush

Unclogging a toilet with poop or toilet paper can be an unpleasant task, but it’s one that needs to be done. Fortunately, there is an easy and effective way to deal with this problem: using a toilet brush. Toilet brushes are usually located right next to the toilet and they’re perfect for cleaning up any type of mess.

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When a toilet is clogged with poop or toilet paper, the brush can help you push it down the drain and clear up the blockage. Use your hand to press the brush against the remaining content of the bowl and push it down firmly until it clears out any obstruction.

With this simple solution, you’ll be able to restore your toilet back to its original condition in no time! Use a toilet brush when dealing with clogged toilets – it’s quick, easy and effective.

Use a Toilet Plunger

When it comes to unclogging a toilet that is clogged with poop, using a plunger is one of the most effective and mess-free ways to get the job done. A rubber toilet plunger works best as it can create a good seal around the toilet’s opening and form a strong vacuum.

Using a heavy duty plunger for the job is key as it will allow you to apply more force and pressure to unclog the toilet.

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To use a plunger, first fill the bowl with enough water that it covers up the plunger’s cup. Then place the cup of the plunger over the clogged area and vigorously push down and pull up several times in order to break up the clog.

Once the clog is broken, flush the toilet and it should be unclogged. This method usually requires multiple attempts to fully clear out the blockage, so patience is key!

Use a Metal Cloth Hanger

The metal cloth hanger is an effective and cost-effective way to remove poop stuck in your toilet. It works just like a plunger without the mess. The hanger is made of flexible, durable wire, which can access hard-to-reach areas of the toilet bowl. Use pliers to craft a medium-sized hook, and put one end of the hanger into the toilet bowl.

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Use firm pressure to push the hanger through any obstructions, and then remove it when you feel like the blockage is gone. Use wear rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty, and remember to always stay safe when dealing with a blocked toilet. With a little bit of effort, you can easily clear your clogged toilet filled with a metal cloth hanger.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

If your toilet is vibrating and you suspect a clogged drain, you should check the pipes. There’s a good chance that the blockage may be due to a buildup of poop in the pipes. Baking soda and vinegar are excellent household ingredients that can help unclog a toilet with poop.

Before attempting to use them, you should make sure the surrounding area is clear and protected from any splashes or spills.

How to unclog a toilet with poop still in it

To begin, add a cup of vinegar to the toilet bowl gradually. This will cause a chemical reaction and cause bubbles to form in the bowl. Be careful not to add too much as it can splash onto the bathroom floor. Continue adding vinegar until the bubbles stop forming.

Once there are no more bubbles, you should then flush your toilet. If you feel like the toilet bowl is still over-clogged, you can pour a cup of baking soda into the bowl and then follow up with another cup of vinegar. This should help unclog the pipes further.

Toilet Auger

The Toilet Auger is an invaluable tool for unclogging any stubborn toilet clogs. It can effectively break down clogs, even those made of toilet paper and poop, into smaller pieces, making the task of unclogging much easier. To ensure no damage is done to the porcelain, the Toilet drain is designed with a rotating table cover made of soft rubber.

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To use the Toilet Auger, you simply need to snake it through your toilet drain and begin breaking down the clog until it is released. This method is one of the simplest ways to unclog your toilet without resorting to harmful chemicals or plumber visits. So if you ever find yourself facing a tough clog, reach for the Toilet Auger and say goodbye to your worries!

The Toilet Auger is truly an invaluable tool for any household. With it, you can clear out all those pesky toilet clogs in no time. Invest in one today, and keep your bathroom free from any stubborn block.

Baking Soda and Plastic Foil

When a toilet is having trouble flushing, it usually means that there is a blockage in the drainage system. Baking soda and plastic foil can be effective at clearing out the clogged poop and getting the toilet to flush properly again.

To use this method, start by pouring warm water (not too hot) into the bowl and then mix in some baking soda. Cover the toilet seat with plastic foil and let it sit for an hour or overnight.

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Flush the toilet and see if this has cleared up the clog. If not, you may need to try other methods such as using a plunger or drain cleaner to clear out the blockage. Baking soda and plastic foil can be a great way to get your toilet flushing again without too much effort. So give it a try!

Coca Cola and Plastic Foil

Coca-Cola has been around since 1886 and over the years it has gained immense popularity for its distinct taste. It can be found in almost every household in the world, so why not use Coca-Cola to unclog a toilet? Coca-Cola is surprisingly effective at breaking up tough clogs due to the phosphoric acid, which is a key ingredient in Coca-Cola.

To unclog your toilet, you need only 0.5 liters of Coca-Cola and some plastic foil to help pressurize the blockage. First, pour the Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and cover it with plastic foil, making sure to secure all the edges tightly.

If you’re looking for an effective way to unclog your toilet with poop still in it, then look no further than Coca Cola and Plastic Foil! Using only a 0.5-liter bottle of Coca Cola, you can easily fix the problem without having to break the bank.

To start, pour the Coca Cola into your toilet bowl and cover it immediately with plastic foil. Allow the liquid to sit in the toilet for about an hour before flushing, which will allow the pressure from the Coca Cola and plastic foil to help push down whatever is clogging your toilet. After allowing enough time for the concoction to take effect, flush away.

Put Detergent and Boiling Hot Water Into the Toilet Bowl

Unclogging a toilet with poop still in it can be daunting, but don’t worry! You can do it with a few simple steps. First, make sure to have the right materials: a pot of hot boiling water and some dishwashing detergent. Boil the water in a large pot for about 5-10 minutes then allow it to cool for a few minutes before adding the detergent and pouring it into the toilet bowl.

The detergent will help break down the poop while the hot water will generate enough pressure to push the clog through. Let it sit for about 20 minutes then flush again. If your toilet is still having trouble flushing, you may need to call.

Dish Soap

Unclogging a toilet filled with poop can be a challenging and difficult task. But, it is possible with the help of dish soap! Dish soap is a readily available home ingredient that can break down the clog in your toilet for easy removal.

To use this method, pour the dish soap slowly and directly into the toilet bowl. The slippery nature of the liquid soap will help to lubricate the poop and allow it to drain easily.

To make this method even more effective, you can pour boiled hot water into the toilet bowl until all the cold water is replaced with hot water. Let it sit for a few minutes before flushing the toilet.

This should help to break down the clog and make unclogging your toilet with poop easier. With this simple method, you can unclog a toilet with poop still in it without having to call a professional!

Note: This answer has been provided as reference material only and is not intended for copying verbatim. Always write original content to avoid plagiarism penalties.

Household Bleach

Unclogging a toilet filled with poo and too much toilet paper can be a daunting task, but household bleach is one of the best products to use to get the job done. Household bleach is an effective tool because it contains powerful chemical compounds that break down the organic material like feces, which is the main culprit when a toilet is clogs is so severely. Read also…

3 thoughts on “How to unclog a toilet with poop still in it – effectively”

  1. This is such a common problem, but anyone who encounters it – most often finds himself in a stupor. Thank you very much for the detailed instructions

    • I’m 35 and last week I googled “how to unclog a toilet” for the first time in my life! I thought about it with horror! He-he) It turned out that everything is not so scary.


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