Teak shower floor pros and cons: modern bathroom design

When it comes to renovating a bathroom, many people prefer teak flooring. More about teak shower floor pros and cons we describe in this article.

Teak shower floor pros and cons

What are the teak shower floors?

Before proceeding with the review of teak shower floor pros and cons, it is necessary to determine the features of teak shower floors. Teak flooring is called inserts that are made from teak wood. That is, the material is not used for a solid floor around the entire perimeter.

Inserts are small strips that can be rolled out like a bamboo rug.

For the shower, you can use small strips that can be easily folded. You can also use one massive bar, which is made to order. To do this, first, measure the area of ​the bathroom.

The latter wooden shower floor is more durable. However, small inserts are easier to care for. A wooden floor can be in mat, plank, pallet, or tile format.

Read also about Pros and cons of Corian shower walls – important review for your comfort.

bathroom with teak floor shower freestanding tub with picture window is

Benefits of a teak shower floor

If you decide to buy a teak shower floor for a shower cabin, you first need to familiarize with its advantages.

Attractive appearance

In its natural environment, teak wood looks very stylish and beautiful. If it is properly cleaned and polished beforehand, you get a beautiful floor in the bathroom.

The shower floor looks expensive, and a little rustic. Therefore, you need to choose the teak wood shower floor for specific styles. At the same time, everyone who enters the shower room appreciates the idea.

Humidity resistance

Teak wood, when compared with other types of wood, has excellent water resistance. This is because there are many different natural oils in the wood, which extend the life of the inserts.

Even with prolonged and frequent contact with water, the tree does not swell and deform. Previously, teak wood was actively used in shipbuilding, and the ships have survived to this day.

However, you must not forget about additional protection. This extends the service life of the teak shower floors.

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Slip-resistant, warm and comfortable

Teak wood has long heat retention compared to other floor coverings. Even if you compare it with tiles and pebbles.

The shower flooring material is non-slip. This parameter is very important, given that there is always a lot of water in the bathroom. Walking on teak wood shower floors is a pleasure, even if you are barefoot.

Excellent strength indicators

Teak wood shower floors are durable woods covering. It is resistant to cracks and scratches. Even if you press it, the insert cracks and does not break.

Wood can withstand both high and low temperatures. That is why it is an excellent option for a bathroom where hot water often flows.

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Parasite, fungus, and mold resistance

Teak wood grows in harsh conditions; therefore it has excellent resistance to termites, cockroaches, and fleas. It is quite difficult for termites to get inside the tree to feed on it.

It also exhibits resistance to fungus and mold. Considering that the teak shower floor inserts have high humidity levels, this is an excellent option.

Premium value

Teak wood for flooring comes from Asia. Water-resistant Japanese wood has a rich history. With this in mind, wood is considered the most valuable when renovating a shower. Wood is very rare, so it is very expensive. Therefore, you can be sure that you get a unique design with teak shower floors.

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Teak shower floor cons

The benefits have been mentioned. It’s time to move on to the cons that also exist on the teak shower floor. More about them, you can read below.

The difficulty of care

To maintain all the properties of a teak shower floor for a long time, regular cleaning and polishing are required.

All this work takes a lot of time and can cause fatigue.

That is why not everyone decides to install such a floor.

Ideal place for bacteria to grow

When installing a teak wood floor in the shower, there are gaps between the wood and the main floor. If water seeps inside, various bacteria can develop inside.

It is recommended to periodically take the teak shower floor outside so that it dries out and ventilates. While it dries, the main floor should be cleaned. However, this process is very tedious.

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Lets some water through

Given that the material can absorb moisture a little, it is damaged. Especially if you have not previously worried about high-quality protection.

The more water accumulates, the greater the chance that the insert fails soon. That is why you need to make sure that water practically does not fall on the tree.

If this happens, it is recommended to wipe the puddle immediately.

The need for special cleaners

Do not clean teak wood with conventional cleaning compounds. After all, such tools can damage the material. It is recommended to use special tools. This significantly increases the cost of service.

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Possibility of damage to other materials

Wood is characterized by increased hardness. Therefore, it is not excluded that it damages other materials, including acrylic tiles. Given that it is quite expensive to repair tiles, this is a significant disadvantage of inserts.


As already mentioned, the material is quite rare are therefore expensive. If you don’t want to get a unique design to show off to your guests, don’t spend a lot of money buying wood.

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Teak floor cleaning options

Many housewives are wondering, how do you take care of a teak shower floor? First, you need to apply a little soap solution to the surface. Then, using a brush with soft bristles, you need to clean the surface of the boards. Don’t forget to pay attention to the reverse side.

After the soap solution must be washed off with plain water, and leave the floor in the air until it dries completely.

If rough cleaning is required, special products suitable for teak wood should be used. Often the manufacturer puts such a mark on the package.

The components are used according to the instructions. The frequency of cleaning the bathroom is once a week.

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Instructions for polishing a teak shower floors

If you decide to install a teak shower floor in your shower, it needs to be properly cleaned and polished. Thanks to this, the attractiveness of the surface is maintained, and you also extend the life of the product. More details about the necessary actions we describe below.

Floor washing

As already mentioned, first a little weak soapy solution is applied to the surface. After, you need to rub the surface with a soft brush and dry the floor in the air.

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Using a brush, apply some oil to the teak wood. It is important to cover all surfaces liberally. It is recommended to work with polishing oil, which is suitable for teak wood. This prevents damage.

Then leave the oil for a few hours to harden.

Polishing process

To work, you need to use a dry brush for polishing. This is the only way to achieve the maximum shine of teak wood. The movements must be circular.

Polishing should be carried out no more than once a month. If the loss of gloss is observed much earlier, it is better to immediately polish. If you properly clean the floor, it lasts for decades.

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Features of laying a teak shower floors

If you prepare all the necessary tools and materials in advance, as well as follows the basic steps, laying a teak shower floor is not difficult.

It is possible to order boards for cutting. You can also find ready-made slats that are on sale in most stores. Laying the floor is carried out according to the instructions, which are discussed later.

Teak shower floor measurement

First, you need to measure the floor, and record all the data obtained. It is better to carry out the work several times to get accurate information.

Teak wood shower floor layout

It is recommended that the teak floor be 0.5 inches smaller than the main bathroom floor. That is why you should step back from the edges of the bathroom by 0.5 inches, and based on such data, calculate materials.

If you are laying a single plank, it is best to first take measurements of the bathroom, and then subtract an inch from the data obtained. If you are laying planks, it is recommended to leave 0.5 inches on each side. The optimal distance between the slats is 0.5 inches.

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Sawing wood for the shower floor

According to the data obtained, it is necessary to mark the wood and cut it. You should also prepare several boards for braces. Their size should be equal to the rails. The main purpose of the struts is to fix and fasten the slats.

Screwing wooden shower floors to struts

First, you need to evenly lay the spacers. Rails are laid on top of them. Make sure the planks are stacked 0.5 inches apart.

They also need to be spaced 0.5 inches from each of the walls. Fasten the rails over the spacers to complete the installation.

Using the shower floor with tropical hardwood is pretty easy. While taking a shower, lay it on the floor. Rinse the shower floor afterward and air dry.

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Considering that teak shower flooring is quite rare, some who plan to install it have numerous questions. Detailed answers to them, we show you below.

Do teak shower floors get moldy?

Shower floors are quite moisture resistant. If other wood options quickly absorb moisture and become moldy, then the aforementioned floor rarely encounters this.

However, to achieve the best performance, you must constantly look after the shower floor.

How long does teak shower floor last?

The teak floor is durable because, due to the oils in the composition, it is resistant to moisture and mold. Under normal conditions, the floor lasts about 10-15 years. If properly cared for and used, the product lasts up to 30-50 years.

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As you can see, the rare teak tree is not only attractive. It is quite resistant to moisture, so it is not damaged by fungi and mold. Despite this, shower floors require proper care.

What are the disadvantages of teak wood?

One of the main disadvantages is its high cost. Additionally, teak wood is heavy and can be difficult to work with, which can make it challenging for some woodworkers to handle. Teak wood also tends to darken over time, which may not be desired for certain projects.

Which is better for a shower teak or bamboo?

Both teak and bamboo are suitable for shower floors, but have different properties. Teak is a durable hardwood that is resistant to moisture, rot and insects, and is non-slip when wet, making it a good choice for shower flooring. Bamboo is a fast-growing, renewable resource that is resistant to moisture and durable, but when wet, it may not be as slip resistant as teak.

Can teak be left out in the rain?

Teak is a durable and naturally weather-resistant wood, so it can withstand being left out in the rain. However, prolonged exposure to moisture can cause the wood to swell and warp, so it’s best to protect it from prolonged exposure to rain or standing water. Additionally, if the wood is not properly finished or sealed, it may be more susceptible to water damage.

Why does my teak shower bench smell?

Teak wood is naturally resistant to rot and decay, making it a popular choice for outdoor furniture and shower benches. However, if the wood is not properly sealed or maintained, it can absorb moisture and develop an unpleasant odor. Additionally, if the bench is exposed to mold or mildew, it can also develop an odor.

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